Your Chance to Ride a Honda at Women in Moto, Beginner or Advanced!

We are so incredibly pleased to be offering both test rides for full license holders, a CBT Refresher course and ‘Ride Free’ for beginners at our event in conjunction with Honda UK!

Being openly supportive of encouraging more female riders, they are a natural partner for us in offering test rides at our event in the glorious Staffordshire countryside, and on-site.

Honda is the number one motorcycle manufacturer in the UK with close to 100 dealerships covering On and Off Road Motorcycles across England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

They will be offering the opportunity to test ride their latest range of bikes, for full license holders. Or if you’re a complete beginner or looking to do your CBT, the ‘Ride Free’ option will be on-site in a controlled and safe atmosphere to give you the experience of stop/starting and clutch control! For those with a CBT but may not have used it for a while, the one-on-one refresher course will be for you!

Test Rides

If you’re a full license holder, you can try the latest Honda range out on the road with the Motorcycle Experience team. A2 license holders will be able to test some of the 500cc range. These are on a first come, first served basis to ensure that everyone gets a fair shot at a test ride. Please see the Honda team on site to book in, and ensure you get a DVLA Check Code in advance.

Ride Free

This is a chance to ride a bike with no or little experience in a safe, controlled area on site. You’ll learn the fundamentals of stopping and starting, along with brake and clutch control. Check out what to expect here.

The first few hours of each day are on a booking basis, but there are walk-up sessions available on a first come, first served basis at the show.

Saturday morning bookings- COMING SOON

Sunday morning bookings – COMING SOON

CBT Refresher

Passed your CBT but haven’t ridden a bike for a while? Need a little refresher? At the Women in Moto show this year, Honda Motorcycles are offering a one-on-one CBT ‘refresher course’ for this who may be a little nervous or rusty, included with your show ticket! After a chat with an instructor to find out what your needs are, you’ll get to ride around our perimeter track on a Honda 125 with the instructor.

Classes are on a first come, first served basis and will be running on both 16th and 17th August.

Skills with Motogymkhana

“Motogymkhana was born in Japan in the late 1960’s as a stealthy way of improving motorcycle riding skills in a safe environment by getting the riders to have fun and practice riding tight short courses as quickly as their skill will allow. The cones for competition have colours to indicate the direction to the riders known as the Adachi system red cones on the right, blue to the left, yellow are gates and a yellow band means minimum 360 turn.

It became a time trial sport and is one rider at a time against the clock on a course the riders have not ridden before and is practiced by groups of enthusiasts all over the world. Its run by volunteers and is not for profit.

MGWM promotes the introduction of riders to better and advanced riding techniques using motogymkhana techniques. We can train for competition but we chose not to as there are massive gains to be made for all road riders in getting to grips with the fundamentals of Motogymkhana riding. Throttle control, rear braking, clutch use, tight turns leaning the bike at slower speeds and being confident riding in 1st gear.

We do this by encouraging all participants to have fun, be supportive and ride safely. All motogymkhana is done in an off road situation with limited bikes participating at the same time. Any bike can do it some are better than others but you can safely explore the limits of any bike on a motogymkhana course

At the Womenmoto show we will have basic courses for any rider to follow one of us around (No memorising courses required). Using my bikes or yours if you chose or start on mine get the hang of it and come back on yours. Roll up sign on and provide your licence or cbt qualification ( we need to see this as a minimum).

If a rider has a particular problem with a manoeuvre we can include that in the ride to help their skill or confidence so you can ask us anything and we are happy to help we like to think of ourselves as a big daft family so come and join in its a fun way to learn and get supported by a global network of riders”