The timetable is below! Use this to plan your day.

WORKSHOPS Beginner Maintenance –
 Ellie Garner
9:30 – 10:15
Strength Training for Bikers 
Chloe Napier 10:30 – 11:00
Intermediate Motorcycle Maintenance
Ellie Garner
Introduction to Tools Ellie Garner 13:00-13:30Writing Workshop- Writing Using Your Senses Debbie Bee Warrior Poet 15:00 – 15:45Customs, Cocktails and Confidence Cheyenne Keogh 16:00 – 16:40
INSPIRATIONAL SPEAKERS AND PANEL TALKSInspirational Women- A Film About Mary Motorcycle Mary Motorcycle 10:00 – 11:35Travelling Chicks Lara and Maja 12:00 – 12:45The Women in Moto Panel AJ the Honest Biker, Ruby Rides, Lady Harley, Emma Franklin MCN, Laura Motowaifu 13:30 -15:00Jodexterous Jodie Griffin 16:00 – 16:45Raffle Prize Draw Lindsay Atkinson 17:00 – 17:30
SIT DOWN SESSIONS- Member’s LoungeBiketrac Bike Security talk Julie Emmitt 11:00 – 11:45Confidence Café Cat Weatherill 12:30 – 13:15What Bike Next? New app by LaraMoto LaraMoto 14:30 -14:45Makeup For Bikers Ruby Rides 15:15 – 16:00
LEARNER ZONE with WOMTLearner- The 5 Basic Controls – 10:30-11:00For All- How To Prevent the Dreaded Bike Drop 11:30-12:00For All- Slow Control – 14:00 -14:30Advanced- Cornering and Counter Steering 15:30 -16:00
ADVENTURE ZONELearn To Wheelie – Throughout the day.Principles of Navigation Fern TRF 12:45 -13:30Packing and Planning Your Trip Lara and Maja
   13:45 – 14:15
Learn To Wheelie – Throughout the day.
BIKER BUDDY AREA SPONSORED BY MOTORCYCLE FUNERALSPatchmaking Here we ride 12:10 – 12:40 taught session Stay and sew 
ARENASkills With MotogymkhanaPolice Skills Display Skills With MotogymkhanaPolice Skills Display Skills With Motogymkhana
RUBYRIDES STANDMeet and Greet 11:30
HONDA TEST RIDES (Off Site, Full License)Book throughout the day with Honda
HONDA RIDE FREE (On Site, Beginner)Book throughout the day with Honda
HONDA CBT REFRESHERBook throughout the day with Honda
ZERO MOTORCYCLES TEST RIDESBook throughout the day with zero
WORKSHOPS Intermediate Motorcycle Maintenance Ellie Garner 9:15- 10:00Introduction to Tools Ellie Garner 11:10-11:40Strength Training for Bikers 
Chloe Napier 11:50 – 12:20
Writing Workshop- Looking Through Your Childs Eye Debbie Bee Warrior Poet 12:30 – 13:15Customs, Cocktails and Confidence Cheyenne Keogh 13:30 – 14:10Beginner Motorcycle Maintenance Ellie Garner 14:20 – 15:15
INSPIRATIONAL SPEAKERS AND PANEL TALKS The Adventure Bug Laura Motowaifu 10:00 – 10:45The Honest Biker AJ AKA The Honest Biker 11:00 – 11:45From Wales to Uzbezistan on a Honda c90 Chloe Jones Travel 12:00 – 12:45Inspirational Women- A Film About Mary Motorcycle 13:15 – 14:50Raffle Prize Draw Lindsay Atkinson 15:15
SIT DOWN SESSIONS- MEMBERS LOUNGEConfidence Café Cat Weatherill  10:00:- 10:45What Bike Next? New app by LaraMoto LaraMoto 11:00 -11:15Social Media Tips and Tricks 12:45 -13:30 Ruby ridesSecurity for Your Bike in Association with BikeTrac
Julie Emmitt
13:45 – 14:30
LEARNER ZONE with WOMTLearner- The 5 Basic Controls – 10:30-11:00For All- How To Prevent the Dreaded Bike Drop 11:30-12:00For All- Slow Control 14:00 – 14:30
ADVENTURE ZONELearn To Wheelie – Throughout the day.Packing and Planning Your Trip Lara and Maja
12:00 – 12:30
Learn To Wheelie – Throughout the day.Introduction to Trail Riding Fern TRF 14:30 – 15:00Learn To Wheelie – Throughout the day.
BIKER BUDDY AREA SPONSORED BY MOTORCYCLE FUNERALSPatchmaking Here we ride 10:15- 10:45 taught session stay and sew
ARENASkills With MotogymkhanaDerbyshire Police SkillsSkills With Motogymkhana
RUBYRIDES STANDMeet and Greet 11:30
HONDA TEST RIDES (Off Site, Full License)Book throughout the day with Honda
HONDA RIDE FREE (On Site, Beginner)Book throughout the day with Honda
HONDA CBT REFRESHERBook throughout the day with Honda
ZERO MOTORCYCLES TEST RIDEBook throughout the day with Zero